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Foot and Gait Analysis
When walking commences, the arches will typically develop as the foot endures pressure from body weight. The purpose of the arch aids in maintaining balance in the body, and provides a spring to the step. Arches are generally strong, and this may help the feet to adjust to a variety of surfaces that are walked on.

Foot Arches
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Gait Analysis

Orthotics are tailor-made insoles, padding and arch supports to relieve arch or heel pain. You have seen commercial insoles in pharmacies however, each foot of an individual is unique even in the same individual.
Thanks to the technology today you can have a 3D scan of your feet and heels an have a moulded custom insole 100 percent tailored to your condition.
The orthotic is put into your shoe to realign your foot, cure your deformity in certain ages, take pressure off vulnerable areas of your foot, or simply make your shoes more comfortable for walking.
Even if your feet are generally in good condition, you might consider having a pair of arch supports.

• Guides the feet, enabling
natural foot function and muscle activation
• Corrects misalignment of the feet
• Aids in the prevention of foot related problems
• Perfect fitting footwear
• Enhanced shock absorption
• Increased comfort
• Improved muscle power and energy transfer
• Increased stamina for sport, work and everyday life

An independent research* by the University of Jyväskylä (Finland) and University of Salzburg (Austria) confirms that FootBalance orthotics have the potential to prevent and treat injuries due to overpronation such as patellofemoral pain syndrome, shin splints, Achilles tendinopathy, plantar fasciitis, and stress fractures.
Kosonen, J., Kulmala, J-P., Muller, E., and Avela J. Effects of medially posted insoles on foot and lower limb mechanics across walking and running in overpronating men. Journal of Biomechanics. (2017)